New Car Opticoat: Silver TESLA MODEL S 85
Vehicle: Tesla Motors – Silver Model S 85
Condition: This fine Tesla Model S 85 was recently delivered in Raleigh, in for new car detail and Opticoat detail. Only issues we encountered were a few deep scratch areas near the rear door and trunk. Plenty of shipping adhesive residue near the doors and front of the hood. We spent some time Q-Tipping the front air dam area due to the bug build up. Claybar revealed the rear and roofline to be the worst areas. This Model S was in great shape, a rarity from most Teslas we’ve done. Interior was thoroughly vacuumed and wipe down with a light cleaner. Front trunk paint and trim cleaned with OptiClean.
- Cleaning: Foam Chemical Guys Citrus Wash, Optimum Power Clean
- Wheels & Wells: Optimum Power Clean various brushes, Liquid Finish’s Special “Super Clean” Solution, Griot’s Garage Wheel Cleaner
- Tires: HiTemp Tire Cleaner, Liquid Finish’s Special “Super Clean” Solution, CarPro Perl
- Clayed with Optimum No Rinse & Blue Medium Clay
- Door & Trunk Jams: Liquid Finish’s Special “Super Clean” Solution
- Polish: HD Adapt in various areas, Optimum Hyper Polish
- Protect: Optimum Opticoat, Trim Restorer on Plastics
- Various Products: Optimum OptiClean, Meguiars Last Touch, Menzerna Top Inspection
- Interior: Optimum OptiClean Meguiars Quik Interior Detailer
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Tesla Model S Silver – New Car Opticoat
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